Fear’s broken promises

I’ve battled with Fear for much of my life.

Fear of death or injury to myself or my family.

Fear of what others will think of me.

Fear of abandonment or failure.

Fear of ending up alone.

Fear of being unlovable at my lowest moments.

I’ve seen what fear does to a life. I’ve seen what it’s done to my life.

Fear promises to protect and insulate you from all the bad things in life.

Fear tells you that preparing for the worst is the best way to avoid disappointment.

Fear makes a lot of promises.

But all it does is steal.

Fear steals your life from under your nose.

It takes you out of the present moment, which is your true life.

Fear makes you live in the future, which doesn’t exist.

No one knows what the next moment brings.

A jackrabbit, hopping across your hiking trail. A lovely surprise.

A stray cat, showing up at your door. Unexpected love.

A pandemic. Isolation. Cancelled plans for 2 years.

The blind date that becomes true love.

The Zen Buddhists akin life to living water, as in streams and rivers.

Life and living water are fluid, transient, and always changing.

You cannot take a bucket of water from a stream, and expect it to soothe you with its sound at night.

Water, as in life, is most beautiful and free when in motion.

Living water is unafraid of running dry. Unhindered by thoughts of its speed, or what lies ahead on its journey to the sea.

The harder we clutch and grasp at it, the faster is runs through our fingers.


Trust in God, higher power, the source, your highest self, your ancestral wisdom.

Om Namah Shivaya.



Surrender tomorrow. Surrender tonight.

Surrender your next shift.

Surrender everything that is not the present moment.

Here. Now. This.

The future does not exist.

Where are you clutching and grasping at the waters of your life?

What does letting go look like for you?

What practices can you foster to live in the now?

Present is better than perfect.

Who do you have to hold your greater vision when you can't see it?

Someone to help you gain clarity on your core values, your why, your motivations?

Accountability, compassion, and unlimited belief in your innate wisdom and wholeness?

I’d love to be your coach.


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