Hi, I’m nurse abby,

Wife, Cat Mom, Registered Nurse, Animal Lover, Vegetarian, Nature Gazer, Environmentalist, Mindfulness Aficionado, Recovering People Pleaser and Board Certified Nurse Coach.

It was my life’s ambition to become a Registered Nurse. I always wanted to help people, to be of service, and to be a vessel of love and healing to the world. My favorite Aunt was a nurse, so it felt like the natural choice. My goal was to finish nursing school and immediately head to Syria as a medical aide worker.

After graduating nursing school with honors, I realized even non-profits require nursing experience! I got a job on a general adult unit and quickly became disillusioned to the reality of healthcare in America.

Nursing was not the sunshine, rainbows and fuzzy feelings I thought it would be. The nature of the job forced me to deaden my caring spirit in an effort to manage the massive workload and stay on top of tasks. I found myself annoyed and frustrated with patients and their family members who wanted to connect and chat. I had five other very sick patients who needed care, and I simply “didn’t have time for chit-chat”.

I didn’t recognize myself anymore.

After several years of this, I thought a different specialty with fewer patients per nurse would allow me to connect more with my patients. I also wanted to get ICU experience for the mission field - I wanted to be highly trained to care for even the sickest of patients.

(The truth is….I also thought ICU nurses were cool, and I wanted to be a badass.

I was accepted into a Cardiac ICU residency program, with a ratio of just two patients per nurse. This was my dream job and while I knew it would be challenging, I was eager to become the most highly trained Registered Nurse possible and connect more with my patients.

I began my new job in March 2020.

Needless to say, the COVID pandemic would forever change my life and career. The 2::1 ratio was thrown out the window and I was thrust into the pandemic as a new ICU nurse. After years of nursing experience and the slow build up of burnout, I suddenly hit a breaking point. I began struggling with panic attacks, severe anxiety and nightmares. After a few months of counseling, I was advised to quit my “dream job” just 6 months after I’d started due to Acute Stress Disorder and mental exhaustion.

I felt like a failure. My dream job was a bust, I doubted my ability to do medical aide work in Syria and I lost all sense of direction for my life.

I left the ICU and found the easiest nursing job I could - working pre-op at an orthopedic clinic.

I had no self-care routine, no stress management skills, felt deeply afraid to feel big emotions and felt a deep sense that I needed to prove my worth to the world. My low self-esteem caused me to struggled with people pleasing, boundaries and authenticity in my relationships. I spent my days numbing between shifts with alcohol, scrolling and TV. I began to realize that, despite being trained to care for others, I never learned how to care for myself.

I contemplated starting medication for my anxiety - but the side effects and risk for dependence made me think twice. I began searching for alternative practices to heal, and discovered the power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Journaling, Plant Medicine, the Endocannabinoid System, Mindfulness, Plant Medicine, Meditation and Coaching.

Through my healing journey, I realized that my overachieving and outward success was a cover up for a lack of self worth, and a belief that I had to be perfect and cool and useful to be worthy of love. I felt I had to go all the way to Syria and risk my life in order to be worthy of love. This led me down the path of healing my Inner Child and combating People Pleasing and Codependency.

Putting down the story that I had to be cool, perfect or useful to be loved, I was able to put aside the Hero in Scrubs identity. I looked inward and decided that a new career path would be in alignment with my natural gifts and passions.

Enter Nurse Coaching

When I learned about Nurse Coaching, it felt like this nursing speciality was made just for me.

After 7-months of coursework and a rigorous practicum - I sat for my board certification in 2023. I’ve now coached hundreds of hours, developed a group program called Digital Detox to help combat digital addiction and found my true purpose. I get to be the heart centered healer I’ve always felt called to be and I see miracles and magic happen in the lives of my clients every day. I never get bored of seeing the Shifts in Being that my clients experience as they step into their wholeness and authenticity.

I am deeply honored to provide a safe, judgement free space to allow the wise spirit of my clients to guide them to deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose. I never knew I could love a career as much as I love coaching and I find myself saying, “I love my job” every single day - often with a ponding heart and tears in my eyes.

I know what it’s like to hate your job.

I know what it’s like to feel like your needs are selfish.

I know what it’s like to experience trauma.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck and lost.

I also know how it feels to step into wholeness, limitless self-acceptance and deep purpose.

My experience as a nurse, coach and human being has shown me that the treasure we seek often lives in the cave we dare not approach. It is in our pain that our soul hides its truth, and I am honored to be a guide and spiritual partner with my clients as they journey towards their own healing.

If you are ready and yearning to find new direction, take charge of you life, and dig into what is holding you back, book a call with me today! You deserve a life with passion, purpose and joy. If you don’t know what that looks like yet, let’s get to work and start figuring it out!!

Certifications and Experience

  • Bachelors in Nursing

    Metropolitan University of Denver

    December 2017

  • CannyNurse Graduate

    International Nurse Coach Academy

    June 2022

  • Nurse Coach Board Certified

    The Nurse Coach Collective

    October 2023

  • Coach Mentorship Program

    The Successful Nurse Coaches 1 Year Mentorship Program

    August 2024

  • Certified Holding Space Practitioner

    Center for Transformational Coaching

    December 2024

  • Diamond Member

    Golden Women in Business

    2024 - Present

  • Certified Deep Transformational Coach

    Center for Transformational Coaching

    (In progress)

  • Associate Certified Coach

    International Coaching Federation

    (In Progress)